Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all enjoying your day. Well I was surfing the internet today and found something pretty interesting but in some ways funny, I found a knock-off of the Cricut and Gypsy, it is made by Sizzix for $393
Sizzix Eclips Starter Kit
Kit includes
- One (1) eclips 12-inch Shape-Cutting Machine (5.5 inches long x 22.5 inches wide x 5.5 inches tall)
- Hand-held remote
- Remote cradle
- Power cord, voltage: 100-240v (I) and 24v (O) (UL Listed E317799)
- Blade holder
- Two (2) blades
- One (1) 6-foot USB 2.0 cable
- One (1) 12-inch long x 12-inch wide cutting mat
- One (1) eclips Starter Cartridge with Rocking Janie upper and lower case alphabet
- 26 basic shapes and various special features
- One (1) cartridge booklet
- One Easy-Store cartridge case
- User guide